Developer API

Waystones provides an API for developers to interact with the mod, extend certain areas of it, and react to events.

This guide will help you get started with the Waystones API.

API Overview

You can learn about the available API methods on our GitHub repository.

A good starting point is the WaystonesAPI class, or the various events you can listen to.

Events are posted on the regular NeoForge/Forge event bus. On Fabric or multi-loader environments, you can use e.g. Balm.getEvents().onEvent(WaystoneActivatedEvent.class, this::onWaystoneActivated); instead.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to join our Discord server.

Adding Waystones to your Development Environment

Using CurseMaven

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    // Replace ${waystones_file_id} with the id of the file you want to depend on. You can find it in the URL of the file on CurseForge (e.g. 3914527).

    // NeoForge:
    implementation "curse.maven:waystones-245755:${waystones_file_id}"
    // Fabric:
    implementation "curse.maven:waystones-fabric-500087:${waystones_file_id}"
    // Forge after Minecraft 1.20.6:
    implementation "curse.maven:waystones-245755:${waystones_file_id}"
    // Forge before Minecraft 1.20.6:
    implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:waystones-245755:${waystones_file_id}")

CurseMaven is great for building against officially released versions, but it does not provide access to snapshot versions or common jars (mojmap) for multi-loader environments.

If you need access to those, you can use Twelve Iterations Maven instead.

Using Twelve Iterations Maven

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

        content {
            includeGroup "net.blay09.mods"

dependencies {
    // Replace ${waystones_version} with the version you want to depend on.
    // You can find the latest version for a given Minecraft version at

    // Common (mojmap):
    implementation "net.blay09.mods:waystones-common:${waystones_version}"
    // NeoForge:
    implementation "net.blay09.mods:waystones-neoforge:${waystones_version}"
    // Fabric:
    implementation "net.blay09.mods:waystones-fabric:${waystones_version}"
    // Forge after Minecraft 1.20.6:
    implementation "net.blay09.mods:waystones-forge:${waystones_version}"
    // Forge before Minecraft 1.20.6:
    implementation fg.deobf("net.blay09.mods:waystones-forge:${waystones_version}")