Spooky Doors
Doors, but they're scary like in Horror Games

No Littering New
Removes Leaf Litter from world generation and provides alternative means of obtaining it.

Configure blocks to be unbreakable under certain conditions. Compatible with Waystones.

Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Server Hubs.

Cooking for Blockheads
Adds a cooking book and multi-block kitchens that only shows recipes you can make with what you currently have in your inventory.

Crafting Tweaks
Allows you to rotate, balance or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in any (supported) crafting window.

Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items.

Default Options
A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to include an options.txt file. Also allows local options from any mod .cfg file.

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Portals in Multiplayer.

Inventory Essentials
Basic inventory tweaks. Lightweight and compatible.

Farming for Blockheads
Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid, and more farming utilities.

Break only the half of a double slab that you're looking at.

Client Tweaks
There, I fixed Minecraft for you. Various optional tweaks to improve Minecraft Quality of Life.

Forgiving Void
Makes the void hate you a little less (and vice-versa). Fall down and come back out on top.

Ex Compressum
Ex Nihilo Addon. Attempts to reduce grind by adding pre-automation tools like compressed hammers.

Hardcore Revival
Help your friends back up after they die (if you can make it in time)

Pretty Beaches
Adjusts water physics when digging sand near water to prevent ugly.

Library mod required for all of BlayTheNinth's mods.

Forbidden Smoothies
Adds a Blender and Printer block, allowing conversion of items based on weighted custom shapeless recipes.

Gravel Miner
Automatically (insta-)mines falling gravel blocks that get in your way while mining.

Library mod allowing for enhanced key mappings

Refined Relocation
Sorting Chests. Block Extenders. Hoppers.

Adds additional variants of bone meal for all your fertilization needs.

Crafting Slots
Adds an inventory crafting table and a normal portable one.

Thaumic Inventory Scanning
Allows hovering over items in inventories with a Thaumometer on the cursor to scan them.

Horse Tweaks
Adds upgrades for horse saddles, such as frost walker and feather fall.

Chat Tweaks
Twitch Emotes and Image Preview. Also basically like BetterTTV but for Minecraft.

Chat Emotes
Twitch Emotes in Minecraft.

Twitch Chat Integration
Twitch Chat in Minecraft! With emotes and all.

Twitchcrumbs. Headcrumbs Addon. Adds headcrumbs players from remote sources such as Twitch subscriber whitelists.

Crafting for Blockheads
Crafting for Blockheads is a customizable workbench mod that combines ideas from Cooking for Blockheads and opens them up to wider areas of crafting.