The Fridge is a storage block for multi-block Kitchens, similar to the Kitchen Counter. Ingredients within the fridge will be made available for recipes in the Cooking Table.
Two fridges can be stacked on top of each other to make a large fridge. The door hinge of the fridge will be placed depending on what direction you place it from.
The fridge can be dyed by right-clicking it with a dye.
Check the Cooking Table for more information on multi-block Kitchens.

Right-click to open the fridge’s interface. It’s basically like a chest.
If you shift-right-click the door it will open the fridge without opening the interface, allowing you to put items in by simply right-clicking them into the front side.
The Fridge, just like the Sink and Kitchen Counter, will be flipped horizontally based on the angle you place it from.
The Fridge, like many kitchen blocks, can be dyed by right-clicking it with a dye.